Personal Details

"We see with our brains, not with our eyes." - said the Neuroscientist Paul Bach-y-Rita.

This profound quote from the book: The Brain That Changes Itself, introduced me to the astonishing world of "neuroplasticity" and permanently altered the way I understood mind, human nature, and human potential. This interest led me to pursue a master's in Computer Science with a specialization in Machine Learning and seek ML roles in the field of Cognitive Sciences and Intelligent Systems (Co-founder/ Machine Learning Engineer: Prism Technologies); Machine Learning Engineer : Texas Biomedical Device Centre)

I am passionate about solving problems in the field of Brain Sciences by writing Intelligent Software Systems that empower individuals to improve their well-being by improving their minds.

Prior to working as a Machine Learning Engineer, I worked as a Senior Business Analyst at a Fin-tech start-up, in India. As an Analyst, I spearheaded the development of an Auto-Insurance Robo-advisory service. Earlier, I was working as a Junior Scientist at one of the premier research institutes in India, the Indian Institute of Science on Biomechanics, where I co-authored a publication in a peer-reviewed journal, the Royal Society of Chemistry - Advances.

About me

Machine Learning

Machine learning is more than an API call to scikit-learn. I have trained Sequential and Statistical model to solve real-world problems.

Cloud Compute

I have designed relational database storage systems in SQL, along with working on non-relatinal databases such as DynamoDB.

Model Deployment

I implement machine learning models in real world production systems using REST APIs and AWS.

Parallel Computing

I can write code in Scala and PySpark for MapReduce functions for Spark programming model.

Statistical Science

Statistical inference and modelling is an art of numbers and making these reliable statistical relationships is one of my favorite skills.


I have worked with distinguished Neuroscientists and game designers to develop Neuro-feedback gaming applications.


GIT - 5

Servers (Linux / Bash) - 4

Amazon ECS Service, Dockers, Kubernetes - 3

Machine Learning

TensorFlow/Keras/TensorBoard - 5

Computer Vision (OpenCV) - 4

Brain Computer/Machine Interface - 4

Software Development

Python - 5

Web API Framework (Flask, Django) - 3

Amazon Web Services - 2

My Latest Projects

Take a look at my recent work.

Jan 3, 2021

Creating an Accelerometer Data Stream With Polar H10 Device

A helpful tutorial series I wrote recently on how to create a Python application that obtains and filters ECG data for real-time visualization (Includes a streaming service that uses GATT service protocol along with a socket server for boardcasting the data on the Internet)

Dec 30, 2020

Getting the beat right!!

Brain Computer Interface: My two-cents on using Signal Processing and Statistics to obtain clean ECG signal from a Brain Computer Interface device.

May 20, 2020

Human Activity Recognition System using LSTM model

Brain Machine Interface: A breif summary of my work at TxBDC on training a Machine Learning model that classifies "good" vs "not-good" movements in stroke patients in rehabilitation and its use with Vagus Nerve Therapy in a closed-loop feedback system for treatment delivery (Using IMU sensors).